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Worship is at 9:30am on Sundays - all are welcome!
Fellowship to follow with coffee, juice and baked goods

Worship FAQs


Are children welcome in worship?



Help your child socialize to church culture by teaching them how to use a hymnal, follow along in the bulletin, share the peace, respond to the prayers, give some of their allowance during the offering and participate in leadership roles with you, like ushering, greeting or providing fellowship hospitality.  


Who can take communion?

The Lord's Table is an open table.  That is to say that all baptized Christians, trusting that Christ is present in, with and under the bread and wine, are welcome to receive.


Although no particular age for first communion is prescribed by our church document, The Use of the Means of Grace, one guideline is offered.  Because admission to the Sacrament is by invitation of the Lord to the baptized, " baptized children begin to commune of a regular basis at a time determined through mutual conversation that includes the pastor, the child, and the parents or sponsors involved" (37E and 38B).  


What kind of worship service do you have?

Hopefully one that allows you to worship God and to be reminded of your call in baptism to love and serve others.  

Our service is usually one hour in length.

Our pastor wears a while alb (robe) and a stole (represents the gentle 'yoke' of ordination)

Communion is offered the first and third Sundays of the month.  

The color of the vestments on the altar change according to the church season.

Each week we listen to an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, a New Testament reading and a Gospel reading.  These readings are designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, a collection of readings based on the church year and used by many ecumenical partners (i.e. Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.)

During designated Sundays and on special holiday worship services, the choir and/or bell choir will share prepared selections.  

A bulletin (program) outlines the liturgy (literally, work of the people) so you know when to respond, sing, stand, etc.  

Bethany uses the hymnal called, Evangelical Lutheran Worship.  Generally, these are hymns with four-part harmonies and a very rich history.  Hymns are led by the piano.



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